Today, we had got a message. An iconic No.9 of Liverpool football club player set to retire to put an end to his wonderful football career.
We watched your fantastic play, your great scores, your contribution, makes us love to see you and talk about you. Talk about how you created a hat-trick in many performances, talk about how you lead the team to beat other European team, talk about how you always sent Vidic out of pitch, etc.
Trust me, we all are talking about the good memories we had created. Hope you succeed and have a bright future, and see you again at Anfield.
A retirement video from Torres
Thank you your effort.
當年費托系利物浦真系好勁 對住車路士屈機
刪除大家都明白當時的利物浦是如何的不濟. 就算個人實力如何出眾, 入球如麻, 也難以為繼. 球員生涯有限, 為自己謀成就之如, 也為球會獲得高額轉會費, 相信都是一個大家都好的結果. 況且, 費托自離開利記後, 表現不再像在利記般顛峰. 可能是對利記的情尤在, 力不從心吧.